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New York 17th Volunteer Infantry (Union)


Battle - Siege of Yorktown (1862) - York County, Virginia; Newport News, Virginia

Siege of Yorktown (1862)
Siege of Yorktown (1862)

Most of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's army was not on the peninsula on April 4th when Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan departed Fortress Monroe on his Peninsula Campaign. The only force opposing the Yankee advance up the peninsula toward the Confederate capital at Richmond was Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder's small force of two divisions at Yorktown behind the Warwick River. Magruder's deceptive theatrics, conspicuously parading his men back and forth behind his defenses, convinced the Federals that his works were s…READ MORE


Battle - Hanover Court House - Hanover County, Virginia


Battle - Gaines' Mill - Hanover County, Virginia

Gaines' Mill
Gaines' Mill

Despite his victory over the Confederates at Beaver Dam Creek on June 26th, Maj. Gen. Fitz John Porter's Fifth Corps abandoned its position early on June 27th and established a new defensive line along Boatswain's Creek, just north of the Chickahominy River.READ MORE


Battle - Second Bull Run - Prince William County, Virginia

Second Bull Run
Second Bull Run

After the early summer collapse of the Union Peninsula Campaign offensive to capture Richmond, Robert E. Lee sought to move his army north and threaten Washington DC before Union forces could regroup.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant Colonel Nelson B. Bartram

Lieutenant ColonelNelson B. Bartram


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Thomas B. W. Stockton


Leadership Change - Division - Major General George W. Morell

Major GeneralGeorge W. Morell


Battle - Antietam - Sharpsburg, Maryland


The Army of the Potomac, under the command of Maj. Gen. George McClellan, mounted a series of powerful assaults against General Robert E. Lee's forces along Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17th, 1862.READ MORE


Battle - Shepherdstown - Jefferson County, West Virginia


On September 18th, the day after the battle at Antietam, both sides remained on the battlefield too bloodied to resume fighting. That evening, lead elements of Gen. Robert E. Lee's army began to withdraw across the Potomac River back into Virginia at Boteler's Ford near Shepherdstown. Artillery on the south side of the river placed by Brig. Gen. William Pendleton covered the crossing of the remainder of Lee's army that night. On September 20th, a detachment of Maj. Gen. Fitz John Porter's Fifth Corps pushe…READ MORE


Battle - Fredericksburg - Fredericksburg, Virginia


In early November, Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside took command of the Army of the Potomac, and made immediate plans to move the army once again toward Richmond.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General Charles Griffin

Brigadier GeneralCharles Griffin


Battle - Chancellorsville - Spotsylvania County, Virginia


On April 27, 1863, Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker launched a turning movement designed to pry Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia out of its lines at Fredericksburg.READ MORE


Organized - New York 17th Volunteer Infantry - New York


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General James D. Morgan

Brigadier GeneralJames D. Morgan


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis

Brigadier GeneralJefferson C. Davis


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Charles M. Lum


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General James D. Morgan

Brigadier GeneralJames D. Morgan


Mustered Out - New York 17th Volunteer Infantry - New York

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