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Fold3_Team  ·  

Gazette Information: GAZETTE ISSUE 28976, VICTORIA CROSS,: The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the grant of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned for their conspicuous bravery whilst serving with the Expeditionary Force:- Sergeant David Nelson (Regimental No. 34419) (Now Second Lieutenant), “L” Battery, Royal Horse Artillery. Helping to bring the guns into action under heavy fire at Nery on 1st September, and while severely wounded remaining with them until all the ammunition was expended – although he had been ordered to retire to cover. THE REGISTER OF THE VICTORIA CROSS CITATION READS: On 1st September 1914 at Nery, France, Sergeant Nelson helped to bring the guns into action (with an officer and a warrant officer) under heavy fire and in spite of being severely wounded. He remained with the guns until all the ammunition was expended, although he had been ordered to retire to cover.