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Fold3_Team  ·  

Gazette Information: Gazette Issue 30064, Victoria Cross,: His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned:- Second Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Percy Herbert Cherry, M.C., late Australian Imperial Force. For most conspicuous bravery, determination and leadership when in command of a company detailed to storm and clear a village. On 26th March 1917 at Lagnicourt, France, after all the officers of his company had become casualties he carried on with care and determination, in the face of fierce opposition, and cleared the village of the enemy. He sent frequent reports of progress made, and when held up for some time by an enemy strong point he organised machine-gun and bomb parties and captured the position. His leadership, coolness and bravery set a wonderful example to his men. Having cleared the village, he took charge of the situation and beat off the most resolute and heavy counter-attacks made by the enemy. Wounded about 6.30 a.m., he refused to leave his post, and there remained, encouraging all to hold out at all costs, until, about 4.30 p.m., this very gallant officer was killed by an enemy shell. M.C.: