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Fold3_Team  ·  

Gazette Information: GAZETTE ISSUE 30338, VICTORIA CROSS,: His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned:- No. 34795 Serjeant John Carmichael, North Staffordshire Regiment (Glasgow). For most conspicuous bravery. On 8th September 1917 near Hill 60, Zwarteleen, Belgium, when excavating a trench, Serjeant Carmichael saw that a grenade had been unearthed and had started to burn. He immediately rushed to the spot and, shouting to his men to get clear, placed his steel helmet over the grenade and stood on the helmet. The grenade exploded and blew him out of the trench. Serjeant Carmichael could have thrown the bomb out of his trench, but he realised that by so doing he would have endangered the lives of the men working on the top. By this splendid act of resource and self-sacrifice Serjeant Carmichael undoubtedly saved many men from injury, but it resulted in serious injury to himself.