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Index record for

PALMER, Robert Anthony Maurice

UK, Soldiers Awards from the London Gazette, 1898-1944

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Fold3_Team  ·  Oct 31, 2023

Gazette Information: VICTORIA CROSS,: Acting Squadron Leader Robert Anthony Maurice Palmer, D.F.C., (115772), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, 109 Squadron (Missing). On 23 December 1944 over Cologne, Germany, Squadron Leader Palmer was leading a formation of Lancaster bombers to attack the marshalling yards in daylight and it was his task to mark the target. Some minutes before reaching it he came under heavy anti-aircraft fire and two engines were set on fire, but disdaining the possibility of taking evading action and being determined to provide an accurate and easily seen aiming point for the other bombers, he managed to keep the badly damaged aircraft on a straight course, made a perfect approach and released his bombs. The Lancaster was last seen spiralling to earth in flames. DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS,: DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS BAR,: MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES,: