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Fold3_Team  ·  

Gazette Information: GAZETTE ISSUE 29978, VICTORIA CROSS,: His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Non-Commissioned Officer:- No. 9887 Serjeant Edward John Mott, Border Regiment. For most conspicuous gallantry and initiative when, in an attack, on 27th January 1917 south of Le Transloy, France, the company to which he belonged was held up at a strong point by machine-gun fire. Although severely wounded in the eye, Serjeant Mott made a rush for the gun, and after a fierce struggle seized the gunner and took him prisoner, capturing the gun. It was due to the dash and initiative of this non-commissioned officer that the left flank attack succeeded. DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL,: GAZETTE ISSUE 29215, DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL, On 28th April, 1915, during operations south of Krithia, for gallant conduct in leading his company to successive fire positions, and again for conspicuous bravery and good service in attacking over difficult country. MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES,: GAZETTE ISSUE 29251, MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES, General Hamilton is honoured to submit a list of names of those Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men whose service he considered deserving of special mention.