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Fold3_Team  ·  

Gazette Information: GAZETTE ISSUE 29937, VICTORIA CROSS,: His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to award the Victoria Cross to:- No. 1396 Serjeant Thomas Mottershead, late Royal Flying Corps. For most conspicuous bravery, endurance and skill, on 7th January 1917 near Ploegsteert Wood, Belgium, when attacked at an altitude of 9,000 feet, the petrol tank was pierced and the machine set on fire. Enveloped in flames, which his observer, Lieutenant Gower was unable to subdue, this very gallant soldier succeeded in bringing his aeroplane back to our lines, and though he made a successful landing, the machine collapsed on touching the ground, pinning him beneath wreckage from which he was subsequently rescued. Though suffering extreme torture from burns, Serjeant Mottershead showed the most conspicuous presence of mind in the careful selection of a landing place, and his wonderful endurance and fortitude undoubtedly saved the life of his observer. He has since succumbed to his injuries