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The Ratification of the Constitution of the United States

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James Eblen - In Defense Of The Constitution: An AnalysisThe Book written by James H. Eblen, In Defense Of The Constitution: An Analysis is a book I recommend to anyone with an open mind. Before I get into the book, let me give some background information on Mr. James H. Eblen. He is a retired US. Air force Sergeant. He served from February 1948 until March 1968. While serving in the Air Force James built the worlds first automatic photo copying machine. He also designed a new program called "Manning In Required Specialties". It has been adopted Air Force wide. His book In The Defense Of The Constitution: An Analysis touches many areas where people think they know so much about the constitution, but really dont. It is filled with information that is useful to expand your freedom. You can tell by the first sentence of the book that it will enlighten you and change your views. Overall this book is hard to ignore. It has the potential to touch everyone that reads. I give this book 5 stars. I see it as one of those books that will be classic and very famous. This is a must buy no doubt.

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