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Donald E Cowing

Dr. Donal Earl Cowing, Sr.Added by: JWCowingDr. Donal Earl Cowing, Sr.
Donald Earl Cowing, Sr. and his two brothersAdded by: JWCowingDonald Earl Cowing, Sr. and his two brothers
Earl & Don Cowing Sr..jpgAdded by: JWCowingEarl & Don Cowing Sr. This is Don's father, Earl Bixby Cowing at their home in Roseville, Michigan. Earl worked at Packard Motor Car Comapny for over 25 years after starting with Ford and met Henry Ford on the assembly line when Earl was training the machinists, the trade he learned in Meredith New Hampshire.
Kendall, Don, Della, Dad, John, & Jill Picture.jpgAdded by: JWCowingKendall, Don, Della, Joe, John, & Jill. Picture taken at Don's Cottage on China Lake in Maine. Many family members got to spend time here and had wonderful times boating, cooking out, and just plain relaxing from the daily grind. We sure will miss that "perfect" spot on the lake.
Don & Betty II Picture.jpgAdded by: JWCowingDon & Betty II Picture.jpg This was Don's second wife. His first wife for many years and the mother of his children was Betty Boughton.